1 ) USERNAME =====> Stein N
COMMENT =====> Hi, very nice intro to Italian birds and sounds! I m going this summer to San Marino with our boy to a football tournament, are there any birding localities in Toscana that we should and could reach on a day trip. This will be in start of july, are birds still singing then?? Yours Stein Nilsen, Norway

2 ) USERNAME =====> tempest
COMMENT =====> Very well updated sight keep it up!

3 ) USERNAME =====> Les
COMMENT =====> Having been an amateur "birdo" for decades I m only now starting to get interested in recording and analysis of bird sounds. You website has truly inspired me. You ve laid it all out so clearly, the information is really interesting and useful and the sounds and spectrograms are superb. I m particularly encouraged by the way you have taken a specific area to work in. I live on an island off the coast of South Australia. A third of the island is covered with pristine vegetation and abundant wildlife. There are rich opportunities for a focus project like yours. Thank you for your contribution to this endlessly fascinating area of study.

4 ) USERNAME =====> Lucy
COMMENT =====> This website has been of great use to me. I m currently studying the song of the goldfinch for my final project for my Illustration degree. I would be extremely grateful if you could forward me any other information regarding the song of goldfinches. It would be extremely useful and may even get me extra marks for my degree! If you do have time, I really would appreciate a response. Best wishes, Lucy Willder

5 ) USERNAME =====> webmaster
COMMENT =====> To Miss Willder: if you want to be contacted by the author of this website, please send a mail by clicking - contact us - on the website menu (on the left side of the pages).

6 ) USERNAME =====> arni
COMMENT =====> bookmark you thx

7 ) USERNAME =====> Pat
COMMENT =====> Cool site

8 ) USERNAME =====> alfonsodeste
COMMENT =====> complimenti è bello che ci sia un sito come questo.

9 ) USERNAME =====> Mehrnaz
COMMENT =====> Dear Sire/Madam l like working in sing of bird specially about song of oenanthe Genus.but in distinguish of some characters have problems in measurement,And in my country anyone work about song bird and all of my information was gotten from internet sites. i will be appreciate help me in learning about measurement of song character. i am waiting for your answering. Best Regards. Mehrnaz.

10 ) USERNAME =====> Brancolas
COMMENT =====> Excellent work and great display of sounds, the clear sound is the most interesting in these recordings, congratulations! I have a special interest in the fringilla coelebs songs because there are many different songs, the dialect song depend of the residence area. Have you studied something about fringilla coelebs song? Best regards

11 ) USERNAME =====> the author
COMMENT =====> To Brancolas. Thanks for your incouraging words. About fringilla coelebs: no, till now I didn t do any research work about song dialects of this species. But I am certainly interested to this kind of research topics. A good sample of chaffinch songs from Tuscany is already in my sound library. If you want to contact me and discuss about this subject, please send a mail to the address that you find in this website. Best regards.

12 ) USERNAME =====> Technofierro
COMMENT =====> Does exist any song identification program?

13 ) USERNAME =====> the author
COMMENT =====> no it does not exist, as far as I know

14 ) USERNAME =====> saz
COMMENT =====> thanks for your website. i love hearing the songs of these birds- they are beautiful. i live in australia so many of the calls of these birds are completely foreign to me. thanks again and keep up your good work :) sf

15 ) USERNAME =====> Marcellino
COMMENT =====> Very good website, especially showing always the call and the spectogram. Also the details of the recoring, where when etc. Are very good. I also like the good picture with it and the speed at which the songs download. Thank you very much for sharing this work ! Greetings from Holland, Marcellio

16 ) USERNAME =====> fabiano
COMMENT =====> Interessante, ed educativo, faccio la guida naturalistica

17 ) USERNAME =====> Johanna
COMMENT =====> Hi, We want a web page with the birds at LAREDO-SPAIN and we want use your sounds. It is possible? Thanks for your help and ENHORABUENA for your great work. Regards, Johanna

18 ) USERNAME =====> Antonio Salvadori
COMMENT =====> Ciao Marco, grazie mille per aver condiviso le sue belle canzoni con il mondo. Sto studiando l uccelli del Ghana per una mia visita in Ottobre. Sono nato a Firenze nel 41 e sono venuto qua nel 63 dove sono stato professore d informatica all universita di Guelph (=Guelfi di Firenze) per una trentina d anni. Tante belle cose e speriamo d incontrarci uno di questi anni quando visito la mia bella Italia.

19 ) USERNAME =====> the author
COMMENT =====> to Johanna, please contact me by email.

20 ) USERNAME =====> Tara
COMMENT =====> Dear Marco, Firstly, what a great collection of bird sounds you have! Secondly, I would like to use your sonogram images for a bird ID guide, to be used by the not-for-profit art collective SoundCamp, as supporting material for their sound art workshops. Please would you give me permission to do so? Kind regards, Tara Watson

21 ) USERNAME =====> the author
COMMENT =====> To Tara Watson. Sorry, I have checked the feedbacks only today. Please send me your request by mail. You can use the mail address that you find in the website (under > contact)

22 ) USERNAME =====> Prof Dr Enrico Marani
COMMENT =====> I ask permission to use your figs 1,2 and 3 of bird vocalization for explanation of element, syllable and phrase for my book with working title: Bird s lives and bird s brain. For your info see Marani The Pelvis, Springer and Marani Head and neck also Springer. Thanks in advance. Enrico Marani

23 ) USERNAME =====> webmaster
COMMENT =====> For all Guestbook users. Please, this page is intended ONLY for comments and criticism about this website. All other requests and/or proposals MUST be sent me by email at the address specified in the website ("contact us" menu). Commercial proposals and other nonsense posts are strictly forbidden in this page. If some idiot people continue to do this, I ll continue to erase everything.