Lanius collurio - Red-backed shrike - Averla piccola

Lanius collurio

DATE/TIME: 14/may/2008 (4 p.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: a male bird (in sight) is perched on a fence between two fields. Zone with cultivated fields and hedgerows. - POSITION: Poderone near Magliano in Toscana, LAT.N 42 36'/LONG.E 11 17'- ALTITUDE: +130 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: full song. - SEX/AGE: adult male - COMMENT: The male is probably still unpaired. Note the continuous, quiet and chattering sequence of harsh and squeaky sounds mixed with mimicry. Far background: tractor engine. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 14/may/2008 (4.30 p.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: the same bird in the same zone as above. - POSITION: Poderone near Magliano in Toscana, LAT.N 42 36'/LONG.E 11 17'- ALTITUDE: +130 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: full song. - SEX/AGE: adult male - COMMENT: in this audio sample I have extracted five short song cuts from one minute recording of a long song bout. The five spectrograms represent them. Far background: tractor engine. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 23/june/2014 (7 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: the bird (in sight) flies nervously from tree to tree in an abandoned quarry with rocky sides, bushes and trees. Zone with steppe, pastures and woods. - POSITION: Somova, Tulcea district, Romania, LAT. N. 45°10'/LONG. E 28°39' - ALTITUDE: 100 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: excited calls. - SEX/AGE: unknown - COMMENT: these calls reminds some sparrow calls, therefore they can be also an imitation of that species. Background: Bee-eater and Skylark. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 24/june/2014 (8 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: the bird (in sight) is perched on the top of a small tree in a hedgerow bordering a cereal field. Zone with small cultivated fields, uncultivated land, hedgerows and sparse trees (deciduous). - POSITION: Niculitel, Tulcea district, Romania, LAT. N. 42°12'/LONG. E 28°28' - ALTITUDE: 100 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: three different call types. - SEX/AGE: unknown - COMMENT: this audio sample is part of a longer recording (to check the editings, see spectrogram time axis). Note that the third call type (see spectrograms) is a clearer mimicry of sparrow call compared to Recording 3. Background: wind noise. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 24/june/2014 (8.10 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: same place as above and same bird. - POSITION: Niculitel, Tulcea district, Romania, LAT. N. 42°12'/LONG. E 28°28' - ALTITUDE: 100 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: two different call types. - SEX/AGE: unknown - COMMENT: this audio sample is part of a longer recording (to check the editings, see spectrogram time axis). Again a clear mimicry of sparrow call (check the previous recording). Background: wind noise. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 24/june/2014 (5.30 p.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: One bird stands on the top of a small bush (in sight) in a steppic flat land with some bushes. - POSITION: Enisala, Tulcea district, Romania, LAT. N. 44°49'/LONG. E 28°50' - ALTITUDE: 100 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: two call types, different from the previous ones. - SEX/AGE: unknown - COMMENT: the first call type (see also spectrograms) is a nasal harsh sound more prolonged than the previous chirping calls, it is claimed to be an advertising call for the ownership of the territory (see S. Cramp, BWP Vol 3 p. 471). The second call type is fairly similar to the flight call of Snipe and it seems me an imitation of that species. Background: wind noise. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 24/june/2014 (6.45 p.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: Same place as above but not the same bird, which stands (in sight) on the top of a small tree. - POSITION: Enisala, Tulcea district, Romania, LAT. N. 44°49'/LONG. E 28°50' - ALTITUDE: 100 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: advertising (?) calls. - SEX/AGE: unknown - COMMENT: these nasal calls are a bit more sparrow like than those of the previous recording. Background: wind noise and orthoptera stridulation. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 20/may/2015 (7 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: one male bird stands (in sight) on the top of a small died tree along a hedgerow that runs between an uncultivated field and a cereal field. - POSITION: Cernaia about 6 Km NW of Grosseto, LAT. N. 42°46' /LONG. E 10°59' - ALTITUDE: 0 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: full song. - SEX/AGE: adult male. - COMMENT: Corn bunting and Zitting cisticola in background. Near the end of the recording there are two beeps of a photo camera. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 16/july/2016 (3 p.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: There are some adult birds with fledged youngs (in sight) perched on the top of some poles along a fence. - POSITION: Budy (Poland), LAT. N. 52°43'/LONG. E 23°44' - ALTITUDE: +155 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: contact calls. - SEX/AGE: adult and fledged youngs of unknown sex. - COMMENT: This is a typical call of this species, similar to calls of other species of the genus Lanius. The audio sample is slightly cut, see spectrogram time axis for the true time intervals. Background: Skylark song. - MIC: (P)

DATE/TIME: 18/july/2016 (10 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: One bird is perched on a telephone wire near a village. Zone with cultivated fields, uncultivated land, pastures and house gardens. - POSITION: Bialowieza village, Poland, LAT. N. 52°42' / LONG. E 23°51' - ALTITUDE: +165 m - VOCALIZATION TYPE: contact calls and flight calls. - SEX/AGE: unknown. - COMMENT: Call type like Recording 9, but uttered also in flight. The audio sample is slightly cut, see spectrogram time axis for the true time intervals. Background: Skylark song. - MIC: (P)

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